Kamis, Juni 23, 2011



T : What should you do to show your gratitude to your parents?
S : I should ...
  • A.always obey and make myself useful to my parents
  • B.disobey my parents and always do my best to them
  • C.always do what they tell me to do and make myself unuseful to them
  • D.be good student and be unuseful to my parents
No wonder many botanists are curious to study these plants. The underlined word refers to ...
  • A.many botanists
  • B.the Indonesian flora
  • C.the great number of islands
  • D.the tiny orchid to the giant Rafflesia
T : Where did the name of "Rafflesia" come from?
S : It came from the name of ...
  • A.Sumatra in 1928
  • B.the Botanical Garden
  • C.Beccary, an Italian Botanist
  • D.The British Governor Genera
Teacher : Why are the forests important?
Student : Because they ...
  • A.are fertilizer for the soil
  • B.fall to the ground an become humus
  • C.keep the soil fertile and prevent the soil erosion
  • D.prevent the soil from being washed away by the rain
Teacher : What is the third paragraph about?
Student : It's about the ...
  • A.destruction of our forests
  • B.trees that have been cut down
  • C.forests which are cleared for farms-
  • D.trees :are cleared for settlements
From paragraph three we know that there are ...
Patches where trees have been cut down and cleared.
  • A.plenty of
  • B.only a few
  • C.a great amount
  • D.of very much
Which statement is based on the text you have just read?
  • A.Life would be difficult without communication
  • B.Communication is important for children only
  • C.Trains,buses and planes are means of transportation
  • D.Painters may communicate his ideas with his painting
What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
  • A.Communication means to give news or ideas by speech
  • B.Writing is very important to communicate
  • C.Communication is important to gain knowledge
  • D.Using the electronic. instrument like telephone
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Riyadhus Shalihin
-Imam An-Nawawi-
Bab 8: Bertindak Lurus
Dari Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه, katanya: Rasulullah صلی الله عليه وسلم bersabda: "Bersengajalah secara sederhana - tidak sangat muluk-muluk ataupun teledor - dan bertindak luruslah, juga ketahuilah bahwasanya tidak seseorangpun yang dapat selamat karena amalnya." Para sahabat bertanya: "Sekalipun Tuan sendiri juga tidak - dapat diselamatkan oleh amalnya - ya Rasulullah." Beliau صلی الله عليه وسلم menjawab: "Sayapun tidak dapat, kecuali jikalau Allah menutupi diriku -memberikan karunia padaku - dengan kerahmatan daripadaNya serta dengan keutamaanNya." (Riwayat Muslim)
Para ulama berkata: Makna istiqamah, yaitu tetap taat kepada Allah Ta'ala.
Mereka mengatakan bahwa istiqamah itu adalah termasuk dari golongan jawami'ul kalim - yakni sedikit kata-katanya tetapi luas pengertiannya - dan istiqamah itulah yang merupakan kenizhaman segala perkara.
Wa billahit taufik.

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