Rabu, Juni 22, 2011



A: Who are in the headmaster's office ?.
B: ...
  • A.Mr. Darwis and his son there !
  • B.There are Mr. Darwis and his son in there
  • C.There are Mr. Darwis and his son
  • D.there Are Mr. Darwis and his son there
You should take raincoat with you. It will rain.
This means that ...
  • A.You will take a raincoat
  • B.You may take a raincoat
  • C.You can take raincoat
  • D.You ought to take a raincoa
My sister likes to study Biology very much. She ... to become a doctor.
Semua jawaban di bawah ini betul, kecuali ...
  • A.hopes
  • B.brings
  • C.wants
  • D.expects
Father won't know it if you don't tell him.
  • A.Father will know it if you don’t tell him.
  • B.Father won't know it if you tell him.
  • C.Father will know it unless you tell him.
  • D.Father won't know it unless you tell him.
Susunlah ke dalam kalimat yang benar. Students-on-come-time-must-the-?
  • A.The students come must on time?
  • B.Must the student come on time ?
  • C.Must the students on time come ?
  • D.On time must the student come ?
Mr. Tono is not able to give us a test today. He is planning to give it tomorrow.
  • A.Mr. Tono is not going to give us a test tomorrow.
  • B.Mr. Tono will give us a test tomorrow.
  • C.Mr. Tono will not give us a test tomorrow
  • D.Mr. Tono will give us a test today.
Mira and Bayu are SMP Students. Mr. And Mrs. Mochtar are their parents. Mr. Mochtar is a judge. He has punished many people whose behaviour was against the law. Judge is person who ...
  • A.punishes criminals in the court
  • B.regulates traffic
  • C.takes care of sick people
  • D.send people to jail
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Shahih Bukhari
-Imam Bukhari-
Kitab Zakat
Bab 9: Memberikan Sedekah Sebelum Ditolak
706. Haritsah bin Wahab (al-Khuza'i 2/116) berkata, "Saya mendengar Nabi bersabda, 'Bersedekahlah! Sesungguhnya akan datang atasmu suatu masa ketika seseorang berjalan membawa sedekahnya lalu ia tidak menjumpai orang yang mau menerimanya. Seseorang berkata, 'Seandainya kamu membawanya kemarin, niscaya saya terima. Adapun hari ini maka saya tidak membutuhkannya.'"
707. Abu Musa رضي الله عنه mengatakan bahwa Nabi صلی الله عليه وسلم bersabda, "Sungguh akan datang kepada manusia suatu masa yang mana seseorang berkeliling-keliling dengan (membawa) sedekah emasnya. Kemudian ia tidak mendapati seseorang yang mau mengambilnya. Tampaklah (pada masa itu) seorang laki-laki diikuti oleh 40 orang wanita, yang mereka bersenang-senang dengan laki-laki itu, karena sedikitnya jumlah kaum laki-laki dan banyaknya kaum wanita."

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