Kamis, Juni 23, 2011



Read the text carefully!
We often read books to get knowledge. But books can give us pleasure, too. When we are tired we read books to help us relax. Some books can also take us to other pans of the world. By reading a book about Irian Jaya we may feel we are sitting in the jungles, not at home in our rooms. Books can be very expensive. Therefore a lot of people go to libraries to borrow the books they want. Many famous people have got their knowledge from books.ALot of them did not go to school, but read books instead.
What do you do if you want to get a lot of knowledge?
We ... a lot of books
  • A.borrow and read
  • B.buy and give
  • C.sell and buy
  • D.look for and lend
What is the main idea in the second paragraph?
  • A.Books are very cheap
  • B.All of books are very expensive
  • C.We go to the library to borrow books to read
  • D.We didn't go to school, but read books instead
What is the best title for the text above?
  • A.What is knowledge?
  • B.What are Books for?
  • C.What are Libraries for?
  • D.What are famous people?
What can forests give us?
  • A.Forests can give us a lot of floods
  • B.They can give us timber, rattan, resin, etc.
  • C.It can give us everything we need
  • D.They can give us nothing at all
The important idea in the fourth paragraph is about ..
  • A.writing and reading magazines
  • B.having and ringing a telephone
  • C.sending and receiving information
  • D.making and repairing instrument
Writing began when men used pictures to explain their thoughts others.
The word "thoughts" refers to ...
  • A.expression
  • B.opinion
  • C.emotion
  • D.aspiration
How could a child learn to do anything at all if he did
not have change to communicate with other people, especially his parents, brothers and sisters? The Italics word "he" refers to ...
  • A.a boy
  • B.a man
  • C.a teacher,
  • D.the child's father
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Shahih Bukhari
-Imam Bukhari-
Kitab Amalan dalam Shalat
Bab 10: Apa yang Boleh Dilakukan di Dalam Shalat
622. Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه mengatakan bahwa Nabi صلی الله عليه وسلم shalat dan setelah selesai beliau bersabda, "Sesungguhnya tadi ada setan yang menampakkan dirinya kepadaku (dan dalam satu riwayat: sesungguhnya Ifrit dari golongan jin menampakkan diri kepadaku tadi malam) dengan maksud supaya aku mengurungkan shalatku. Tetapi, aku dikaruniai kemampuan oleh Allah lalu mencekiknya. Sebenarnya aku ingin mengikat setan itu, supaya paginya kamu semua dapat melihatnya. Tetapi, kemudian aku teringat kepada ucapan (dalam satu riwayat: doa saudaraku) Nabi Sulaiman, 'Ya Tuhan, berikanlah kepadaku suatu kerajaan yang tidak Engkau berikan kepada seseorang sesudahku nanti.' Karena itu, Allah lantas mengusir setan (jin) itu dalam keadaan hina dina."
An-Nadhr bin Syumail berkata, "Lafal fadza'attuhu dengan huruf dzal, berarti aku mencekiknya; dan fada'attuhu dari firman Allah, 'Yauma yuda'uuna' yakni yudfa'uuna' 'ditolak'. Tetapi yang benar ialah fada'attuhu hanya saja diberi tasydid pada 'ain dan ta'. Dan ifrit artinya yang selalu durhaka, baik dari golongan manusia maupun jin, seperti lafal zibniyyah, kelompok Zabaniyah."

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