Senin, Juni 20, 2011



Gabungkanlah kedua kalimat ini. This book is on the table.
It is mine.
  • A.It is mine on the table
  • B.The book is on the table
  • C.Mine is on the table
  • D.The book on the table is mine
Our .teacher is not able to give us a test today.
He is planning to give it tomorrow. Maksud kalimat-kalimat tersebut adalah ...
  • A.He is not going to give us a test tomorrow
  • B.He will give us a test tomorrow
  • C.He will not give us a test tomorrow
  • D.He will give us a test today
X : Will Mr. Kerry come here at 7 o'clock?
Y : No, ...
  • A.I am not sure he will be here at 7 o'clock
  • B.I am sure he will be here at 7 o'clock
  • C.I am certain he will be here at 7 o'clock
  • D.I am certain he not be here at 7 o'clock
Positive (+) : I was studying when you arrived.
Negative(-) : ...
  • A.I was not studying when you arrived
  • B.I was studying when you not arrived
  • C.I did not studying when you arrived
  • D.I do not studying when you arrived
You watch costs Rp. 10.000,00 and my watch costs
Rp. 10.000.00100. So your watch is ...
  • A.more expensive than mine
  • B.the same price as mine
  • C.cheaper than mine
  • D.different from mine
Yustejo Tarik can play tennis. Kalimat ini sama artinya dengan ...
  • A.Yustejo Tarik can able to play tennis
  • B.Yustejo Tarik is able play tennis
  • C.Yustejo Tarik is able to play tennis
  • D.Yustejo Tarik able to play tennis
What do you think father is going to make? ... .a big box.
  • A.I think father is going to make a big box
  • B.You think father is going to make a big box
  • C.Father thinks I am going to make a big box
  • D.Father thinks you are going to make a big box
The stars and planets aren't on the earth ...
  • A.aren't they? Yes, they are
  • B.are they? No, they aren't
  • C.don't they? Yes, they do
  • D.were they? No, they weren't
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Riyadhus Shalihin
-Imam An-Nawawi-
Bab 6: Ketaqwaan
Pertama: Dari Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه, katanya: "Rasulullah صلی الله عليه وسلم ditanya: "Ya Rasulullah, siapakah orang yang semulia-mulianya?"
Beliau صلی الله عليه وسلم bersabda: "Yaitu orang yang bertaqwa di antara engkau semua.
Orang-orang berkata: "Bukan ini yang kita tanyakan." Beliau صلی الله عليه وسلم, menjawab: "Kalau begitu ialah Nabi Yusuf, ia adalah Nabiullah, putera Nabiullah dan inipun putera Nabiullah pula dan ini adalah putera khalilullah - kekasih Allah yakni bahwa Nabi Yusuf itu adalah putera Nabi Ya'qub putera Nabi Ishaq putera Nabi Ibrahim yaitu Khalilullah."
Orang-orang berkata lagi: "Bukan ini yang kita tanyakan." Beliau صلی الله عليه وسلم menjawab pula: "Jadi tentang orang-orang yang merupakan pelikan-pelikan - pembesar-pembesar - dari bangsa Arab yang engkau semua tanyakan padaku? Orang-orang yang merupakan pilihan di antara bangsa Arab itu di zaman Jahiliyah, itu pulalah yang merupakan orang-orang pilihan di zaman Islam, jikalau mereka mengerti hukum-hukum agama." (Muttafaq 'alaih)
Lafaz Faquhuu jika dibaca dengan didhammahkan qafnya adalah masyhur, tetapi ada yang mengatakan dengan mengkasrahkan qaf, lalu dibaca Faqihuu, artinya ialah "mengerti akan hukum-hukum syara'."

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